Camp Sawtooth




1. Develop and nurture personal commitment to Jesus Christ, to the Christian community, and to the human family.

There are few better opportunities for a camper to learn how to apply Sunday school lessons and Bible study to the everyday events of living. At Camp Sawtooth the examples of the leaders and the spirit of the whole experience point to the goal - a life spent following Jesus Christ.

2. Provide experiences through the give and take of outdoor living in a Christian community in order to bring about responsible involvement in the larger community.

Today's campers are tomorrow's citizens. In living groups and in activity groups, they learn that there is a time to lead and a time to follow, and what is involved in each role.

3. Contribute to the camper's physical, mental, and spiritual well being while helping to develop such qualities as initiative, resourcefulness, and self-reliance.

One of the goals of our camps is to foster each camper's self-respect. The staff strives to let each camper know that he/she is cared about and that God has given each person special abilities and traits.

4. Stimulate enjoyment and appreciation of God's creation through experiences in the out-of-doors.

At Camp there is time to wait, watch and wonder, free from many typical distractions and normal routine. In this environment, the campers are encouraged to see the wonder and beauty of creation as evidence of God's reality and majesty.

5. Develop an understanding of the interdependence of all forms of life and the human responsibility to the whole of God's creation.

The importance of ecology is not new to today's students, but church camp can help to bring this into perspective by pinpointing the source and extent of our responsibility.

Copyright © 1932-2025 Camp Sawtooth. All Rights Reserved.
Photo Credits: Brandon Adams & and others
Site updated and maintained by BDA Web Solutions