Camp Sawtooth

Summer Camp Information


2025 Camp Sawtooth Dates

Kids Camp
3rd & 4th Grades
June 29 - July 2

Kids Camp
5th & 6th Grades
June 22 - 27

Junior High Camp
7th, 8th, & 9th Grades
July 13 - 18

Senior High Camp
10th, 11th, & 12th Grades
July 6 - 11


Summer Camp Scholarship

Health Form

Rafting Release (11th & 12th Grade Only)


I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes... Romans 1.16

Camp Sawtooth is an opportunity to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through living in a close, caring community which studies, plays and worships together, encouraging self-awareness and caring for others.

Campers will enjoy a variety of activities while living and learning in a Christian environment. Each camp is unique with all campers enjoying a program specifically designed for them by our Program Staff. Activities include outdoor games and crafts, hiking and swimming, picnics, road trips and evening campfires. Each camp is special. For specific information on your camp access the links to the left.


Camp Pictures can be found on Facebook

Mail & Deliveries:
Parents and churches are encouraged to write letters and send care packages, no gum please. Mail Call is a fun and humorous time for the entire camp. Each Camper, Staff or Volunteer who receives 3 letters or one package performs, along with one of our camp staff, a funny song for the entire camp.

Please do not use the camp email address for camper mail.

US Postal address:
Camp Sawtooth
HC 64 Box 8290
Ketchum, ID 83340

UPS, Fed Ex, etc:
Camp Sawtooth
100 North Fork Canyon
Ketchum, ID 83340

The phone at camp is for emergency use only: 208-726-1155.

Camp Sawtooth does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, or national origin.

Copyright © 1932-2025 Camp Sawtooth. All Rights Reserved.
Photo Credits: Brandon Adams & and others
Site updated and maintained by BDA Web Solutions